During these pandemic times, we have precautions to do and good to know that Hotel Sogo has their initiatives to fight Covid-19. Here are the 11 Anti-COVID Innovations by Hotel Sogo : 1. UVC Disinfection of Rooms, Utensils, Key Cards & Cash Sogo was the first hotel, as early as March 2020, to use UVC (254nm) to fight Covid-19. Taking the cue from hospitals abroad, remote-controlled carts have been deployed for room disinfection. Compartments for utensils, key cards, and cash were also fitted with UVC LEDs but kept away from personnel since 254 nm UVCs, while great for killing viruses that may harm the skin and eyes. 2. FAR UVC Disinfection at Elevator Lobbies After extensive research, Sogo has acquired and tested the FAR UVC 222 nm lamps that effectively kill viruses while being harmless to humans. Just recently (2020 Q4) produced commercially, it is quite expensive and is sold by only a few manufacturers abroad. Sogo is the first hotel to install these revolutionary excimer ...