Crisp, refreshing, and easily enjoyable, Liberator Lager is brewed using a precise selection of high-quality Pilsner malt and the finest American hops. Classic European brewing techniques bring all the ingredients together to deliver a beer that has the right touch of malt sweetness and a subtle yet unique tropical profile of citrus, passionfruit, and melon. A fresh pour of Liberator Lager from the draft makes it an undeniably satisfying drink with Romulo Café’s most popular dishes. Liberator Lager was conceptualized by Enzo Squillantini, co-founder of the popular Romulo Café Chain of Restaurants with his wife Sandie Romulo-Squillantini, primarily to honor the memory and legacy of Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, who was the “last man off Bataan” on April 9, 1942 and “one of the first” to return as Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Douglas MacArthur on October 20, 1944, during the famous landing at Leyte, captured in this iconic monument that stands in Palo, Leyte, then called “Red Beach”. Gen. D...